
Mid-Year Outlook and Long-Term Market Expectations

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Equity Insight

AI and Analyst Sentiment

This paper discusses how the quantitative equity research team recently researched and implemented an enhancement to the research analyst sentiment score utilized within the MFS Blended Research portfolios. The new natural language processing (NLP) algorithm is materially better at contextualizing text within a document and as a result quantifying its sentiment. By leveraging sophisticated tools such as FinBERT to analyze MFS’ proprietary datasets we believe we can offer a differentiated alpha signal.

Market Insights

MFS Long-Term Capital Market Expectations – Canada Edition

Our mid-year Long-Term Capital Market Expectations that represent a forward look of risk and return across asset classes and regions in Canadian Dollar terms.

MFS 100 Years

Lessons Learned from 100 Years of Investing

With 100 years of investing experience, MFS has the unique ability to provide insight into the lessons we have learned that can help our clients meet their investment objectives.

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